“Fix It Jesus” Blog 1

Don’t lose your focus!

Hey there…….

It’s been 18 months of seclusion since God pulled me back to strip, prepare and equip me for the journey ahead. I was pulled back from business, social media and life the way I once knew it (insert exhausted face here) Have you ever heard the story of the dog and elephant being pregnant at the same time? The dog had given birth to 3 litters of puppies and 18 months later the elephant was still pregnant. When the dog asked why, the elephant said “When my baby hits the ground, the earth feels it. When my baby crosses the road, human beings stop in admiration because what I carry draws attention.” I was a representation of the elephant. I felt like everyone I started this journey with went on to do some great things while I was stuck cheering them on from the sidelines. But little did I know, God was hiding me momentarily for the many assignments ahead. It’s much bigger than me. 18 months later, I have given birth to a new version of me.

I cannot express the itch of wanting to get back into the game but obedience is key to receiving the promises of God. I cannot tell you how many times the enemy tried to send a counterfeit opportunity my way to get me out of the will of God and His timing. How many people do you know that would sit STILL for 18 months and keep trusting God? Or maybe even longer. Everyone’s story is different. Everything that glitters ain’t gold. Trust me when I say, it’s totally okay to say NO!!! Stop allowing others to make you feel bad for staying in position. Sometimes obeying God is not popular or sexy!! Everyone wants to know where you’ve been and what you’ve been doing. They all have the perfect opportunity that they think you’d be great for. There is nothing wrong with people giving their advice and opinions. Even when they mean well. But you have to be so FOCUSED on what God said that nothing or no one can change that. How many times has God told you what He has in store for you only to find out you stepped out of His will or timing? You fell for the counterfeit. Don’t worry. Even your mistake wasn’t strong enough to change God’s plan for your life. Stay in God’s presence and make sure you have the wisdom and understanding to His timing. Not your own. Not what your friends say. Not what statistics say. Not what the world says. It does not matter how many people are ahead of you. When God says it’s time, trust me….it’ll be perfect and worth the wait! I patiently waited my turn. Don’t get me wrong…..I did kick and scream and throw a few fits from time to time but Holy Spirit checked me and reminded me that what I was graced to produce would have lasting effects. I have sooooo much more to share with all of you before this year is over but for now we’ll start here. I said all of that to say……….

Welcome to one of my newest projects! I named this BLOG series “Fix It Jesus” because if we’re being honest, we need Him to fix errrrythang in life. Am I right?

Now that we’ve addressed the elephant in the room (Ha Ha Ha) lets jump right in and chat it up about FOCUS. One of the strategies of the enemy is your focus. His objective is to have you so caught up on whether or not God is going to come through and do all that He said He would. When we lose sight of the vision or word that God gives us, we become so easily distracted and miss other instructions that God may be trying to reveal to us. Keep in mind that God cannot lie. That is the only impossibility of God!! Yes, the promises of God will be tried and tested but there has to come a time of manifestation to the very thing God promised you. Understand that your promise is just one of many plans that God has for your life. Not only will He come through and deliver, He has more surprises and assignments ahead as well. You want to ensure that you know God’s plan after you get what you’ve been praying for. We don’t talk about that enough. You want to become disciplined in not only receiving what’s rightfully yours, but keeping, maintaining and sustaining it as well.

This is how many of us miss the move of God because we are too caught up in wondering and doubting if He is really going to do it. I know this all too well because, I too fall short of this. That’s when you have to get back up and remind yourself who you are and who you belong to. You are a child of the Most High God. You are wonderfully and fearfully made. You are above and not beneath. You are the head and not the tail. Go ahead….look in the mirror and tell yourself you are the son or daughter of a King. You lack for nothing. If God said it then that settles it. Sometimes we need to remind ourselves of our God given power and authority. Don’t forget YOU are the light of this world.

Rebuke the enemy and keep your head in the game. Do you know how many people are relying on your YES and obedience to God? You hold the key to someone else’s prison. This is why we need to understand that the things we endure are so much bigger than us. There are folks coming after you that will need to hear about the very thing you survived. People are suffering because of our silence. God gave you a voice. Use it!!!!! I’m speaking to myself as I type this. When God told me He wanted me to start a blog, I thought to myself “What could I possibly have to say?” I’m always trying to post encouraging messages on social media but now I am beginning to realize that I am so much more complex than a sentence or two. Don’t mind me…….I’m just patting myself on the back. I think I could get used to this.

Well…….I hope you enjoyed my first of many blogs to come. Not bad for trying something new. Ha Ha!!! Don't forget, a new Blog will be released every Tuesday at 11 am est. Just call it “Fix It Jesus” Tuesday!!!

Until next time…..

Jesus FIXED it!!!


“Fix It Jesus” Blog 2