Customer Testimonies & Reviews

Hey there. First, I want to say thank you so much for your obedience to the Lord and for that book! I finished reading it last night, and it was definitely a good read. I'm waiting for part 2 😅 Thank you for being transparent and sharing your story with us. It gives women like myself hope, encouragement and faith to keep pushing through the storm, or for hope in God for his promises. Though the whole book was extremely powerful, it didn't hit home for me yet until I read the line where you said "I stopped throwing pity parties because no one was attending except me and the enemy." that brought tears to my eye because it felt like you wrote that just for me! it was so deep. It activated something within me lol. It's so crazy because I like to read books I honestly do, but for years and I mean yearsss I would start a book and could not find the strength to finish 🧐 you're probably laughing but it was the strangest thing. I'd read and read get to the middle and just stop. pick up the next book and just stop and so on. But this book I picked up and didn't want to put it down like I didn't even want to stop and tend to my family lol jk 🙃. but I was finally able to finish a whole book and that means so much to me. I know I am more mature, spiritually now than back then when I couldn't finish those books, and I wonder if the two has anything to do with the other, lol. Maybe now i can finish another book. Thank you so much! Plus you hit us with the content on tik tok. I go on tik tok just to hear the word for the day on your page and it always hits lol keep it up woman of God. -Anonymous

OMG Depression, Marriage, Spiritually Out Of Shape did it for me. Marriage been in turmoil since 2020 with the infidelity. Then depression with the passing of my father last year while dealing with my marriage. And through all this I’ve tried praying reading and going to church and still haven’t found my purpose or know for sure if this is even my God Ordained marriage. Can’t lie i feel lost, but your book hit on those parts of my life. -Anonymous