“Fix It Jesus” Blog 11

Trust the Promise AND the Methods!

Hey fam!!! Happy Tuesday! I pray that all is well your way. Today, Holy Spirit just reminded me of the importance of trusting God’s methods as much as we trust His promises. (Insert deep sigh here) A topic I know all too well but has made me more mature in my day to day routines with God.

When God speaks a promise into our lives, everything changes. The excitement. The hope. The dreams. The joy. The anticipation. I could go on and on but you catch my drift. Your imagination takes you to a place that you never thought possible. You begin to see possibilites like never before. You even begin to start thinking and imagining on another level. But…..and that’s a big but, there are ways and methods of God in order to get the desired outcome that He has promised you.

When we think about the promises over our lives, we only see them coming to past from our limited perspectives which is far from God. He has His own special way of getting things done. When you commit to the promises of God, you are also committing to the methods as well. How should I put this? God’s methods will look like He has lost control or does not know what He is doing. I’m just being honest. Things will have you thinking to yourself that there is no way what He said can happen when things look like this. There is no way I can have what He showed me when all I see is disaster and chaos all around me. Everything seems to be out of order. Nothing is making sense. Things are not adding up. Well, I’m happy to say, you’re right where you’re supposed to be. God specializes in the mess and the chaos. Just because it looks impossible with man does not mean that it’s impossible with God!!!

If I’m being honest, that’s where God does some of His best work. In the dark and behind the scenes. Nothing will ever look like what God promised you until that promise comes to pass. I’m speaking to myself as well. What I’m learning along the way is that we have to fall in love with His ways as much as we have fallen in love with receiving what He has promised us. This will not look or feel good to your flesh. You may even find yourself kicking in screaming during the process, but I promise you that God is faithful. It may even look like He has let you down and abandoned you during the process. I’m telling you all of this so that when it does happen, you’ll hold on to these words and not let go of what you’re hoping for. So many times, it looked as if my promised had died. That’s a tough place to be. Hanging on to something that looked nonexistent. Notice that we keep speaking about how things “Look!” Just another reason of why it’s important to not get caught up in what you SEE! At least not with your natural eyes. Focus on what God has shown you in the spirit. God is spirit so when He speaks a thing, it’s taking place in the spiritual realm before it manifests in the natural realm.

The enemy will try to convince you that it’s never going to happen. He will try to make you think that you’re standing, trusting and believing in vain. Don’t entertain it. It’s just another one of his tricks to get you distracted and off focus. Stay true to what God told you. If you don’t like how something is going, ask God what He says about it. Ask Him to show you from His perspective. That doesn’t mean it’ll be less hard for you. It just means that He will allow you to see from His view rather than your own.

God doesn’t want to take you out of the experience of His methods. He wants to take you through them. In order for Him to give us beauty for our ashes, I think we forget that we must first have the ashes to give Him. This may look like some things being torn down or burned up before they are built back up again. If we focus too much on the ashes and what’s going up in flames, we’ll lose sight of what comes after the process. The promise!

Every promise comes with a process. It’s not like God speaks it and then it happens. There is a process that must take place before you receive the manifestation. One way that has helped me is to keep reminding myself that God does not change His mind. Yes it may look like it, but remember I said that you must hang on to His word and what He spoke to you.

Another thing to be mindful of is giving your ear to the wrong person. People may speak ill or they may even speak with good intentions. This still does not change the fact that what they are speaking or doing may go against the very thing God said. Again……that changes nothing. What did God tell you? I can’t stress this enough. It’s so crucial to have your own personal connection and relationship with God. What He shares with you is just for you at times. There may be seasons when no one knows or understands the very thing you are fighting for but you and God. You may not even have the support that you were expecting and yet that still doesn’t change God’s mind. We are not that powerful. Not even in our own free will.

When things seem to be going in a different direction than what I expected, I just say, “God show me what you see because all I see is what my flesh, feelings and emotions are showing me.” You cannot trust your feelings and emotions. Read that part again! They will have you all over the place, second guessing everything you had faith to believe in the first place. Been there, done that. Ask God to save you from yourself. Ask Him to make you one with yourself so you can be one with Him. This helps to keep us from wavering and being double-minded. And the Bible says that a double-minded man is unstable in ALL his ways.

Get into the flow with God. This looks like keeping your heart pliable at all times. Trusting God along the way. Going where He goes. Moving when He moves. When you flow with God, things seem to run more smoothly. Flowing with God will also allow Him to stretch you in ways you didn’t think possible. At the end of the day, it all makes you better than you were before. Better than the person who started. When you become better, you do better. You want better. You desire better. Trust God with His methods as much as you trust His promises. The methods will make you better so that when the promise actually becomes tangible, you won’t mishandle the very thing you were standing for!! See y’all next Tuesday!!

Jesus FIXED it!


“Fix It Jesus” Blog 12


“Fix It Jesus” Blog 10