“Fix It Jesus” Blog 15


Hey family! Happy Tuesday! How are you today? I pray all is well. I want to talk to you about the importance of consequences. Good and bad. Many times when we hear the word consequence the first thing our mind goes to is something bad. Am I right? You begin to think about the negative before you even consider the possibility of the positives outcomes. At least that’s how my brains works at times.

When we live a life that’s pleasing or displeasing to God, there will always be consequences. It’s up to you to know which applies to you. For those who live a life apart from God or out of His will, there are things that happen in life that may not have been God’s plan for our lives. It’s our free will. It’s a part of God’s system and something that He stands behind. For those who choose to go their own way, living life on their own terms, doing things the way they best see fit, there will come a time when our consequences will catch up with us. So many have gotten away with doing things their way for so long, they have the assumption that if nothing hasn’t happened, then that’s all there is to it. Wrong! Our God is long suffering. He delays on consequences because He is always merciful in giving us time to get it right and get back into right standing with God. He’s delaying judgement for our goodness.

This is where the enemy loves to encourage you that you are doing the right thing. Nothing bad has happened so you must be good. Keep living your best life. Keep doing you. You don’t need God. You got this far without Him. Those are all lies from the pit of Hell. We all need God. We were created to need God. Many just don’t realize it until it’s too late. The ugly truth is that when all Hell breaks loose from our free will and own doing, that’s when we run to God. I’m thankful that He is not fickle like us. He doesn’t turn away just because we turned away from Him. He has always been and will always be waiting with open arms. He gives us new grace and mercy each and every day. But, I will say there will always come a time when God has to let us see what life looks like without Him. This is when we reap the consequences of our actions. Realizing our mistakes or missteps. Recognizing our faults and the roles we played in them. It’s also a time of self reflection. You begin to understand that there is no one to blame but yourself for the way things are going or have ended up because of the choices you made. This is the time when we need God the most. He is loving and there is no condemnation in Him. Life is going to be life with or without us. But there are things that may occur because of our own doing. There will be times when you find yourself unprepared and not equipped for the battles you may face. This comes from being out of the will of God which leaves you feeling like you are fighting alone. There are so many disadvantages to being out of the will of God. Not having insight will keep you from knowing God’s plan or what’s ahead. Feeling as if you’re being caught off guard and not being able to catch a break. This is another consequence that can be easily avoided if we get back into our rightful positions.

God is so good that even when we get off track and repent to come back to Him, He still has a plan for us to get to our desired destinations. He considered all of that. There is nothing you can do that catches Him off guard. Nothing surprises Him. He is all knowing. He knows even before you know. At the end of the day, He still has a plan. It’s up to us to choose right and choose Him. Don’t allow the enemy to make you think that your failure is final. It is not a life sentence. It’s only a season. Yes there will be consequences for your actions. Otherwise He wouldn’t be a good Father if we always got away with doing the things that displeases Him. But never forget, He is a loving Father first. Even His discipline and correction is in love.

We know about the consequences for our disobedience, but what about the consequences for our faith. I don’t think we talk about that enough. We are always expecting the worse and never anticipating God’s best. This sad, dark world has wired many of us that way. When you are in the will of God and you’ve been walking in faith, there will come a time of an expected outcome. The outcome God promised you. The things He shared with you. All the things He showed you in your heart. You didn’t walk this walk for nothing. Your faith and hope are not in vain. Your suffering was never in vain. The trials and the tests weren’t for nothing. You didn’t go through all of that just to go through all of that. No way! Our Father is a rewarder. The enemy wants to make you think you’ll always come up empty handed. That’s just your life so get used to it. Things will always turn out this way for you. If that were the case then what’s the purpose of trusting and following God? God is glorified when He blesses us. He is glorified when we bless others. Heaven is in the blessing business. He has to come through for you. He has to deliver on His promises. He has to protect you. He has to supply all of your needs. He has to cover you. These are just a few of the many benefits of the consequences for your faith in God.

Whatever end of the spectrum you fall on, trusting God is the way to go. Even if you had to learn some hard lessons in life, it’s never to late to repent and turn back to Him. God will always be ready for you when you are ready for Him. Don’t allow life’s setbacks to keep you from believing it can’t happen for you. Those who follow God are not exempt from these horrific lessons in life. We just know that we are covered regardless of what comes against us. We know where our help comes from. We understand that if He brought us to it then He will bring us through it.

Ask yourself what consequences are you dealing with in your life right now? Was any of this from your own doing? If you don’t like the taste of what's being served to you, ask God to guide you. Ask Him to get you back on the path He has for you. I promise, you can trust Him. It won’t always be easy, giving up control of a life that we think belongs to us, but it will be worth it. Believe it or not, you are in control of your consequences, but God is in control of your outcome.

Until next time, see ya next Tuesday!

Jesus FIXED it!


“Fix It Jesus” Blog 14