“Fix It Jesus” Blog 3

Are you really FREE?

Hey there…….It’s me again! (insert wave here) Today I want to talk to you about the challenges of accepting the season you’re in. We all go through many seasons in our lives. Seasons of pain, testing, trials and sufferings. Even seasons of uncertainty about what’s expected from us through this thing called life. But what about your season of victory and manifestation? What about you entering your Promised Land? What about when you finally get the things you’ve been standing, trusting and believing for? Guess what? The enemy will always test you in every season……even your winning season! He wants to see if you have really come into agreement with what God says belongs to you.

The biggest mistake we could ever make is to think that the enemy will give up and stop coming after us “After” we’ve won the battle. After the war is over. After the promise has come to pass. Don’t fall for it. You see, the devil is strategic. He is Not all knowing like God. He studies you which is all the reason why we should be studying him. Anyone who is successful in a war or fight always studies their opponent. It is weak of us to not know what the enemy is doing or how he is moving. This is why the Bible says to be sober and alert. When you come into your Promised Land, your guard is down because you feel this sense of relief like you’ve suddenly made it. Yes you have arrived to what God promised you but don’t you dare think Hell isn’t still after you and what belongs to you.

I’m speaking from experience because it happened to me. After going through much suffering and loss, I finally got to the place that of promise and victory. But I came in blind. I lost sight of remembering to cover and protect what I finally had access to. It was the strategy of the enemy to catch me with my guard down. That is when we are the weakest. Don’t get me wrong…..God is blessed and glorified when we finally get the things that belong to us. When we begin to move forward and promote in the spirit. But remember, we go from glory to glory. There is always another level. Another lesson to learn. Another battle to be won. Another fight to fight. Another test to testify.

Don’t get so focused on the promise that you lose sight of the ongoing battle between you and Hell. Victory is your portion but we must always seek the Holy Spirit to keep us disciplined in the After. We must ask God to continue to give us the wisdom, strategies and blueprint after the blessing has manifested. That is how we are able to sustain and multiply what belongs to us. Yes God says it’s yours and the devil must pay back everything he stole from you. But it is you who can invite the enemy back into a forbidden place by allowing him access into your mind, heart and thoughts. Allowing him to make you focus on all the wrong things. Making you think that what God promised you is temporary. That is a lie from hell. It’s off limits from the enemy Unless you let him in. Just because the devil sent you an invitation to what he’s doing or desires to do does not mean you have to accept it. Simply decline and return to sender. Stop entertaining what the enemy is trying to flaunt. He’s desperate and wants you to lose your sight and confidence. He is after your attention because if you’re focused on him, you’re not focused on God. He wants you to lose your position. Resist him and he will flee! Stop making the enemy bigger than he is. Remind every demon in Hell that you are victorious. The plans of the enemy are beneath your feet.

Greater is He that is in me than He that is in the world. Get back to your rightful position. Stay in the right heart posture. Stay alert. Stay on your wall. Enjoy the good of the land but stay alert. Guard what belongs to you! Don’t get distracted from your assignment. It’s your job and duty to keep it covered!

Jesus FIXED it!


“Fix It Jesus” Blog 4


“Fix It Jesus” Blog 2